A Fall Recipe For Elderberry Syrup
We are lucky enough to have an elderberry tree in out back yard. We harvest the berries and make batches of this syrup all through the fall.
Some days the hooligans love to come out and pick the berries. We usually have a good chat about harvesting plant medicine and foraging from nature if that's what we're doing. We often get into the importance of keeping our bodies healthy and strong through the foods we eat, especially if they're foods that grew right here beside us in our yard.
And sometimes they leave me to it on my own or end up squabbling over the scissors or whine endlessly on how booooo-ring this is or end up throwing sticks at each other (yikes). I just try to keep to my thing and hope that this is all sinking in somehow or other and that they'll have fond memories, and all their eyeballs, one days when looking back at this.
It's funny how elderberry syrup has become a sweet treat to the kids. I love them to love the food I make cause it's yummy AND good for them. It is such a valuable immune boosting medicine. Have your tried it?
Elderberry syrup is easy to make. If you don't have a tree take a look around where you live and you may be surprised to find some in your neighbourhood just drooping with berries.
I love ginger and it's warming effects on the body. It's the best when it's chilly out so I load up my elderberry syrup with LOTS of ginger. Slicing it nice and thin makes sure all the spicy goodness gets out of there.
I use this syrup as a tea by adding hot water to it or as a fun drink by adding it to bubbly water. You could take it just by spoonful, too. Or perhaps stirred into a cocktail or some kombucha.
1 cup fresh or frozen elderberries ( or 3/4 cup of dried)
2 cinnamon sticks
1-2 inches of fresh ginger, sliced up thin
1 Tbsp whole cloves
3 1/2 cups water
1 cup local honey
1) Place everying but honey in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 45 minutes. Liquid should reduce by about half.
2) Remove from heat. Pour through a fine mesh sieve and drain out the bits. I sometimes give them a little rinse and squeeze into the pot to make sure I got all the goodenss.
3) Add honey (I have used maple syrup, too, but like the honey and all it's properties better) to the liquid and stir well.
4) Pour into a jar or bottle and store in the fridge.