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beam paints

Beam Paints is the result of a multi-generational love of pigment, paint, colour and innovation. Owner Anong Beam was raised by artist parents, Carl Beam and Ann Beam, and was taught from a your age how to harvest hematite pihment in the La Cloche mountain range near her home in M'Bhigeeng First Nation on Manitoulin Island. Beam Paints draws on her early educations in Indigenous pigment and expands it to emcompass all paint traditions. A focus on high quality pigment content creates sublime artist materials, with plastc-free packaging.

Lightfast pigments, tree sap, gum arabic, and Manitoulin honey, blend together to create a handmade saturated colour that is a joy to paint with. From thick stripes to fine washes and details, quality is evident in every stroke.

Beam Paints watercolours are shaped in paintstones, their versoin of a half-pan, before being wrapped in beeswaxed canvas. The pans are packaged in slices of cedar and birch offcuts from an Indigenous sustainable lumber operations.

beam paints
29 results
Beam Paints Basics Brush FLAT #8
Beam Paints Basics Brush TRAVEL BRUSH #2
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Beam Paints Basics Brush WIDE HANDLE #4
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Beam Paints Basics Brush WOOL MOP #2
Beam Paints Birch SPECTRUM 11
Beam Paints CHILDREN’S Gift Set
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Beam Paints CMYK Paint Stone Palette
Beam Paints GEORGIA O’KEEFE Ghost Ranch Paint Stone Palette
Beam Paints GOLD CREEK Paint Set
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Beam Paints Good Dreams GOUACHE MINI Palette
Beam Paints Gouache Good Dreams Gift Set
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Beam Paints GREAT LAKES Pine Palette
Beam Paints Large Shell Full Spectrum Set
Beam Paints MAPLE SPARKLE 11
Beam Paints MAPLE Spectrum 11
Beam Paints Paintables BIRD COLLECTION
Beam Paints Paintables CAT COLLECTION
Beam Paints Pine SPECTRUM 11
Beam Paints SHELL Paints
Beam Paints Starter Palette PRIMARY TRIO
Beam Paints SUGAR MAPLE Palettes
Beam Paints The Big NORTHERN LIGHTS Travel Card
Beam Paints The Small NORTHERN LIGHTS Travel Card
Beam Paints TIN FOR 6
Beam Paints Tisgeh'dah Children’s Set
Beam Paints Travel Brush
Beam Paints Waasnoodin NORTHERN LIGHTS Paint Stone Palette
Travellers SQUARE Tin Paper Set
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