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Our Best Unschooling Day This Week - Pysanky Party!

Our Best Unschooling Day This Week - Pysanky Party!

It was very important for me to write Pysanky this year for so many reasons but mostly because I am free and safe and I can. Creating is very healing, calming and it's usually pretty fun. I've found it's one of the best things I can do for myself.

And while the days leading up to it were so full, Easter unfolded with such ease this year that allowed for all kinds of creativity, including making Ukrainian Easter eggs.

Jenn Chic
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Autumn Crafts - Beeswax Leaf Dipping

Autumn Crafts - Beeswax Leaf Dipping

Last year we started doing a new Autumn craft that preserves leaves perfectly and they're a lot easier to keep track of.

It's a quick craft, takes very little prep and smells delightful. And with enough newspapers spread out, it's any easy clean-up, too.

Are you ready to try dipping leaves in beeswax? Oh yes, you are!

Jenn Chic
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